Camposanto Vida Eterna

Vida Eterna Servicios Funerarios Cooperativos is a social solidarity economy project that emerges as an alternative to the needs of acquiring funeral services and space for burying the remains of the inhabitants of Pérez Zeledón in a beautiful, spiritual environment where peace and tranquility prevail.

Located on a spacious property adorned with green areas and exquisite gardens in the welcoming neighborhood of Pavones –just three kilometers from the city of San Isidro de El General– our facilities include everything mourners need to bid farewell to their loved ones as they deserve. Here, they can remember and celebrate the life legacy of the person who passed beyond the veil.

Vida Eterna is owned by Consorcio Cooperativo del Sur (Concoosur R.L.), initially comprised of:

  • CoopeAgri R.L. (Agricultural, Industrial, and Multiple Services Cooperative El General R.L.)

  • Coopemadereros (Reforestation, Industrialization, and Commercialization of Wood, and Multiple Services Cooperative of the Pacific R.L.)

  • Coopetransur R.L. (Heavy Cargo Transport Cooperative of the Southern Zone R.L.)

  • Uncoosur R.L. (Southern Zone Cooperative Union R.L.)

  • Coopealianza R.L.

  • Credecoop R.L.

The project was conceived for the affiliates of the cooperative sector companies that make up the Consortium, but its concept of social solidarity economy has extended it to all residents of Pérez Zeledón, including non- affiliates, who have chosen to embark on the journey to Eternal Life here.



+506 2772-3094